Saturday, December 31, 2011
Race / Event Calendar 2012- WOO HOO!!!
Sunday January 29, 2012 -1/2 Marathon distance- F3??? Miami??? Not registered for either yet, but goal is to get a race in. Silly sprained ankle will be fine. I hope. Looks like a no go. Bummed it didn't work out.
April 3-8, 2012- The Cycling House, Tucson, AZ - My first camp experience. My spring dates from work don't match VQ camp dates. Should still be fun.
Saturday May 5, 2012- Wildflower 1/2 Ironman- REGISTERED! Need to work out the details of flight, stay, another day off :/ etc...
May 20, 2012 Gran Fondo- not signed up yet- had a blast last year so giving it another shot (tough ride!)
May 26-29, 2012- Veronica's Coeur d Alene training weekend. Flight booked, hotel booked. Need to figure out how to rent a bike. Goal of the weekend is to preview the course
May 27, 2012 CdA 1/2 Marathon- might as well get a race in!
Sunday June 24, 2012 BAM! Can't wait. Flight booked, hotel booked, Bike Transport booked. YEEHAW!!
July 15, 2012- 70.3 Ironman Racine? probably a terrible idea- not registered but we'll see
August 11, 2012- Dairyland Dare!
August 19, 2012- 70.3IM Steelhead?
Sunday, September 9, 2012- IM Wisconsin. Yeah- I signed up again. IMCdA is my A race and this is supposed to be my "fun" race- we'll see what my body does on this day. Would love to be able to start and finish this race, smiling the whole time, enjoying every bit of it.
Lox and Eggs
-2 eggs, with yolks
-About 1/2 cup of fresh smoked salmon, cut into chunks
- 1/2 cup spinach
- 1/4 cup of Almond Milk
- Salt to taste
-TBSP olive oil.
Basically hit up a small frying pan with oil. Mix all ingredients in a small bowl. Fry in pan, could have been scrambled, but did it more omlette style, hold the cheese, flipping once a little brown and cooked. The rice crackers were instead of toast, and only had 3- adjustment from usual love of toast and butter and jam with my egg breakfasts.
Lunch was more chicken, but topped with a chunky salsa / guac- plan says only 1/4 avacado, but used about 1/3
- 1 tomato
- 1/2 red onion- I prefer the taste to white
- 1/3 avocado
- 1 TBSP lemon
- Salt to Taste
- 1/4 cup cilantro
(I didn't have any jalapeno- but also good to add)
I started chunky chopping and decided to try it in the blender- not as good- gotta fine chop this one yourself.
But the whole amount on a chicken breast and it was good amount of lunch. I will probably be hungry again in 30 min- but working through the cravings!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Chicago Marathon 2011
I couldn't shake that this was supposed to be a fun victory dance after racing IMMoo- yeah it wasn't. It wasn't a PR and while I started off at race pace, as usual, I lost steam. Couldn't get it together, and ended the day with my grumpy pants - I should have gotten over it, it was perfect weather and the DNation team was as awesome as ever. Kris said no marathons before IMCdA so I need to listen. Entry to Big Sur 2012 for sale!
Chicken with Kale and Quinoa Lentil Pilaf
I should have added more chicken, and read my plan more carefully about the portions. My plan includes only 1/2 a cup of "List D" - the lentils and quinoa. I also mixed up the lentils and grains and then scooped a cup so that I could save the rest for a different meal.The Quinoa was also a brown rice mix- not just quinoa.
The recipe actually calls for Freekeh- which whole foods did not have. They suggested a wheat barley- but I'm supposed to be careful with wheat- so stayed away.
I also did not make the vinaigrette and bought Cindy's Kitchen Lemon and Shallot Vinaigrette instead- which was pretty tasty. Anyhoo, here is the recipe from the magazine :)
2 Tbsp cumin seeds
1/2 cup sherry vinegar
2 small garlic cloves, minced
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 Tbsp finely chopped Hunza raisins
2 tsp whole grain mustard
2 tsp fresh lemon juice
Kosher salt
Pilaf and Chicken
4 Tbsp (or more) olive oil, divided (actually didn't need this much- 2-3 was fine)
1 1/2 lb skinless, boneless chicken breasts, cut into 1/2" thick cutlets- (only used about 1lb)
Kosher salt
1 Tbsp unsalted butter (I used substitute and didn't really use this much- found it was too much for the Kale and had to get some of it off with a paper towel)
1 garlic clove, smashed ( I used two, I like garlic)
1 lb Kale, large center ribs and stems removed, torn into pieces (probably only used about 1/2- I like the Kale fresh and didn't want to make more than I would eat tonight- when I eat the leftovers I'll sautee some fresh Kale)
1 cup cooked freekeh (used the Quinoa / whole grain blend)
1 cup cooked Lentils
(I cooked the two separately and then combined them in one pan, only scooped up a cup in the last part of the recipe- but it should have been only 1/2 a cup. I will use the mix in dishes for the rest of the week- watching the portions)
Stir cumin in a small dray skillet over medium heat until toasted, about 2 minutes. Remove from heat; add vinegar and garlic. Let stand for 30 seconds. Transfer to a blender; add oil and next 3 ingredients. Puree. Season with salt.
Pilaf and Chicken
-Heat 2 Tbsp oil in a large heavy nonstick skillet over medium heat. Season chicken with salt. Working in 2 batches and adding 1 Tbsp oil between batches, cook chicken in single layers until browned on both sides and just cooked through, 2-3 minutes per side. Transfer to a plate and tent with foil to keep warm (I skipped the foil and it dried out a bit :/)
Remove pan from heat; add 1/4 cup water. Stir, scraping up browned bits. Whisk in 1/4 cup vinaigrette. Scrape sauce into a bow.
Melt butter with 1 Tbsp oil (way too much) in same skillet over medium low heat. Add garlic and cook until just beginning to brown, 1-2 minutes. Discard garlic (I kept it) Working in 3 batches, and adding more oil as needed, add kale to skillet and toss until wilted 1-2 minutes per batch. Transfer to a large bow. Season lightly with salt. Cover to keep warm
Add freekeh and lentils to same skillet (I dished out a cup of lentil/ quinoa mix- the way this is written it would end up being 1 cup grain and 1 cup lentils- which is probably too much), stir until warm, 2-3 minutes.
Spoon pilaf onto plates. Top with chicken. Whisk juices from plate with chicken into sauce. drizzle over chicken and pilaf. Top with kale.
Calories 550 Fat 29 G Carbs 28g (this is for full portions of course)
more pre-Melissa- not terrible, but better
Salad included-
-Baby Spinach
- Garbanzo Beans
- Crumbled Blue Cheese- mistake!
- Smoked Salmon
- Glazed Nut mix
- Tomatoes
- Bacon Bits
- Honey Mustard Dressing
This actually would be Melissa approved.
-8oz smoked chicken sausage with portabella mushrooms
-Quinoa with brown rice pilaf
- Sauteed Spinach.
Nothing fancy- basically sauteed sausage with garlic and onion, made the grain and spinach and mixed everything together. I used too much olive oil this time, note to self, ease up next time or move sausage to a paper towel before mixing in with grain.
I've already learned a ton of info and I'm hopeful. I've said I could never diet, but going to give this an actual shot. If it means feeling better it's worth a shot. So including these dishes, but again, these are all pre-Melissa. Not all that terrible, but for sure have some adjustments to make!
Carbo- whoa.

Adjusting the smoothies- Bye Bye Soy

So yup, no more Soy milk either- only Almond, Rice or Coconut.
So while I will still be doing the smoothies, I threw away the soy powder to replace with a different protein powder. I have also been visiting the yummy juice bar peeled. Yes, it's expensive, but they have delicious ingredients and have dairy free milk options like Almond Milk and Coconut Milk. They also have Hemp powder available.
Ironman Wisconsin 9/11/2011
I've learned a bunch in the last 3 months, have gained strength on the bike, and shaved time in the pool. Still have a long way to go but Lynn reminded me that I need to believe it for myself. Believe it now, yesterday. Wipe out doubt. Now.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Madison Open Water Swim August 20, 2011
Well "total bust" is all that comes to mind. It was supposed to start at 8:30 am but because of rain delay, got pushed back an hour. I think it was the stress of the week or the cheeseburger on the way up, for lack of preparing a better meal because I was in a rush, but total upset stomach the morning of. I historically get upset stomachs when stressed or nervous, and foolishly forgot any pepto. Bad sign one. In an attempt to stay calm and steady in the water, I really was going way to slow. By the second lap when people were finishing and I was just starting my second, I knew I was in trouble. I kept going, but kept going in not straight lines. I tried to sight every six strokes, but when I tried to pick up pace I would loose form. A kayak came by me to help me stay on course- would stay to my right so that I wouldn't pull off. At one point I got a nasty cramp in my right leg, swam it out, but took a sec to hang on to the boat to stretch it out fast and keep going- I took a chance to glance at my watch and new it was going to be tough to make the cut off- I thought I would keep going as fast as I could to see how far I could go- then got a cramp in my left leg from my hip down my calf to my foot- I swam that one out and kept going. Before I knew it a boat came along to tell me that I needed to get out of the water- that the 2:20 cut off time was up. I told him that I would keep going and finish up and he said I couldn't. The problem was I probably still had 600 meters to go. I really am not sure what went so terribly wrong- I was significantly slower than Racine. I think I took "slow and steady" to the extreme.
On the boat I went to pick up the other swimmer still in the water. She was equally as mad as I was to get pulled. She even mentioned that she's not even going to bother with Ironman anymore. I'm still lining up at the start line and will be trying again, but with a clear reality how unlikely it is that I'll be able to finish.
After talking to Kris about it, felt much better. I was approaching it at a recovery pace, when I really needed to feel like I was working harder.
After I got out of the water, bad mood was an understatement. I got to my bike thinking why the hell even bother? It's a nice day I could just go do something else. Took in some calories and headed out with my heart in my stomach. This continued for about till about the first loop then I got it in my head for some reason that this would be my last chance to ride the course this season because I wasn't going to on race day- so knowing that it was getting late, still decided to continue on with the ride. After a bit, my mood improved as I tried to enjoy the ride. Getting rained on turned into a nice rainbow after the sun came back out. As the sun was starting to set, I was nearing the stick, and thought I would be able to make way back. I was wrong, it was way too dark to see and I really didn't have the course that well memorized. I had to pull over and call Daryl to pick me up. Defeat #2. All around, the day sucked major donkey balls, but Kris and Lynn were both super helpful. I also learned that Emily, Captain Badass herself and a true inspiration was registered to swim that day but couldn't because of complications from her leg. Cancer is a bitch and messed with her body (especially one of her legs) a few years ago, leaving complications and she has been having trouble bending it so she couldn't swim. I need to remember to be grateful to be able to line up at the start. Re-take coming up in a few weeks.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Racine 70.3 July 17, 2011

- I remembered that while I am not as fast as I would like to be, I really do like participating in endurance events
- I remind myself that there is no point in comparing myself to anybody else because I don't know that person's story- and it's my race, I race it to try to accomplish my goals.
- I remember how nerdy triathletes are and how much I love that.
- My new Garmin Forerunner 310XT is way fun- the multisport with transitions worked and was pretty accurate. Here is a helpful review if you're interested
- Win- I PRed by 1 hour and 26 minutes and 10 seconds-
swim by 7minutes and 91 seconds ( even though I really thought I did much better- felt ok, thought I was pulling strong, didn't stop to tread water or stop on a buoy for a break. I did pause a few times to get my bearings and get myself back on- I zig zag at times and that looses time, adds distance)
TI by 91 sec
T2 by 13 sec
-Bike by 34 min and 25 sec
-Run by 42 and 6 sec- LOTS of walking last year
-I remind myself that improvement is a process. I did not meet the goals that I wanted to today, and clearly improved (I really bonked last year- really felt more prepared this year). I need to be patient with improvement- and improvement can be defined in many many ways. My goal for this IM Wisconsin is to finish
- I have been realizing that I'll be really pushing it to make those cutoffs for IM-WI this year. No matter how IMWisconsin this goes this year, I'm going to celebrate with my friends a great year (I'll have a pity party for myself on Monday and back to training on Tuesday)
- I really tried to focus on the task at hand for this race. Focusing on the my stokes, form and breathing in the water, cadence on the bike, nutrition overall, pace on the run.
I learned how to take in nutrition more properly-
By the time I was on the run, even though I didn't want any GUs, blocks, etc, got grossed out when I took it in, I was hungry by mile 10 on the run (something to tweak....)
- I remember to chunk / segment parts of the race and the different legs makes it mentally easier, more fun. - "make it to the next aid station then you can slow down for a bit"
The last hour of the bike I decided to do 15min intervals followed by 1min easier- and was surprised that I still could - I was passing way more people the last 10 miles as they were tuckered out while I got passed the first 46.
- I remember proper pacing is difficult to get a hang off, but super important
- I remember smiling makes you feel better
- I remember that even when it's hot and I'm not feeling as great as I'd like, I can keep going.
- I learned that even if I think I have enough sunblock, I can use more- shoulders felt ok, started to peel from a previous burn but the back of my neck was hurting.
- I learned that having a mini cooler in the transition area with ice and ice packs was a great idea- sucked down some ice water before the run and stuck an ice pack in my bra that I just threw away when it got warm.
- I learned that black electrical tape is way better in the water then the "waterproof" tape from Walgreens (for broken finger)
- I remember that strangers / spectators are fantastic. I had a nice older man, very much a dad type help with my wetsuit- he did not mind tugging at my legs to help me get it on-Also Daryl helped with the wedgie lift and Deanna with the arms- I learned how to put my wetsuit on so that it feels most comfortable (THANKS NICK!)
- I remember- as DP mentioned several times, that volunteers are amazing
- I remember that having somebody cheering you on is a fantastic feeling.
- I remember that cheering somebody else on can be just as fun
- I remember that I am thankful and continue to be inspired by my friends
WIN- tons of familiar faces out there cheering and racing
WIN- The vision quest coaching group
- I remember that I like to chat it up with fellow athletes when I'm feeling icky and frustrated that I'm moving so slow. If I'm running at a slow jogging pace, might as well strike up conversation-
- I remember that I am thankful that I have the opportunity to be able to show up to race- a FB post from a fellow volunteer for the DetermiNation committee- Kristin McQueen- who has completed several IM distance races while telling cancer to "suck it" "pretty bummed that my body hasn't cooperated after surgery and I can't do my 1/2 Ironman tomorrow. Pity party ends in an hour and then I will focus on dishing out a cancer ass whooping at Ironman next month"
- Lining up at that start line is a task in itself- I'll be thankful if I can be in that water as the gun goes off of IM Wisconsin happy, healthy, and excited
- I remember that a post race beer isn't going to throw off my entire training season- the occasional spotted cow is delicious :) (I've seriously cut back on the booze so I question every drink I have- It's ok to lighten up a bit)
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Fundraising Page
They have a program where you can rent a suit for $50 I believe ( I think they still do this, I did this a few years ago) and you get it for a week. You can then use it as credit to buy a new suit with the the store. I think they also have nights (Tue nights?) where you can rent one for $5 for the hour... . not sure if they still do that.
I bought a long sleeved Blue Seventy suit.
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Sam wearing my Blue Seventy |
I then bought a sleeveless XTerra through their promotions- they also have sales. That was good to me for a few years.
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Coming out of the water Racine 70.3 in 2010- sleeveless suit |
This year for Triple T I had heard horror stories of how cold the water was going to be so last minute decided I needed a long sleeved one again (and it was cold, first day 55degree water, it was only a 250m swim and some went without wetsuits- I did not- I went for my new long sleeved). I went with the Orca 3.8 I decided based on what was on clearance on TriSports and basically what was available in my size (ok fine, I also love whales, so the name Orca kinda convinced me a bit too) The size seems to be right, but really really tough to put on. Super tight around the legs, and hard to yank up all the way in the crotch area. It really turns into a tug of war (I ripped it once already- but repaired it with suit repair). Not to mention the battle with a broken finger to put the damn thing on. The buoyancy is nice, and I don't feel super constricted and can move my arms pretty well through the water. Hopefully it was worth the purchase!
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Coming out of the water Day #1 of American Triple T- yeah, pretty sure I was the last one out of the water (but not the last one on the course!) |
Race Candy!
He talks about that if an athlete is well nourished and has taken the proper steps to appropriately fuel the body with nutritional needs, there will be less calories needed on race day, and less need for sports calories through gels, blocks, etc.
He even encourages athletes to not use these products at all or as little as possible.
I still use them. It took some experimenting, but I have a history of GI distress during races. I realized I'm not a big fan of gatorade, but there have been a few races where I did not have enough electrolytes. Thank you salt stick! I now take one an hour and don't feel the effects of the heat as bad.
I like the Hammer Sustain for calories on the bike- I measure according to my weight and how long I'll be on the bike for levels of concentration. I do admit it does slow me down to have to reach to a water bottle or my pocket for nutrition every 15min or so- but it only takes a few seconds, and if I don't take in nutrition I'll bonk for sure.
I also like the shot blocks- I'm pretty sick of the margarita flavor- but good for cramping- the berry flavors with caffeine are pretty good. The only gel I really actually like are the Cliff Vanilla- the others I'll tolerate, but yechk .I don't like chocolate, so that also limits flavors for the gels.
For recovery if I don't have a yogurt, I also like shakes- I'll do another blog on shakes- but I do use soy protein powder to make sure I'm getting some protein in there.
Greek Yogurt!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Mom's Summer Pasta Salad

Swim Video with Marcia- Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Broken Finger June 21, 2011

Horribly Hilly Hundreds Series, June 18, 2011

Sunday, June 5, 2011
Udder Century June 5, 2011

Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Swimming Videos
American Triple T May 20-22, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011
Cervelo S2

Thursday, February 24, 2011
Rock and Roll 1/2 New Orleans February 13, 2011
Thank you ACS DetermiNation for reminding me why I love to participate in these events :) I needed the weekend to step back to remember to laugh and smile :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011
2nd Annual F*$#Ing Freezing Frozen Lake Half Marathon
For those who know me well, they know I hate the cold. It makes me angry and depressed and I much prefer the warmth of my glorious bed heated by my hair dryer. Back in November-ish, I was looking for a race to sign up for to motivate me to run outside. This would be the first winter where I actually run outside at least a few times a week. Chuck convinced me to sign up for the second annual F%$#ing Freezing Frozen Lake Half Marathon. He said it is a grass roots race with fun people and a mini party at the end. Perfect. I bought fancy tights and had all the gear and thought this would be a good way to keep me going to run outside.

It's already February 10, 2011, post Blizzard 2011!- and I have to admit, it hasn't been awful. I'm not Daryl, running at 4:00am to catch an early bike class, and lately have only been out about once a week. When I catch a gust of cold wind, I remember how sick running in the extreme heat makes me feel. With proper gear it really isn't terrible.
A few weeks before race day- we come to find that the grass roots race (bring your own bib and your own medal- they'll provide the aid stations and free beer after) was no longer an official race because of the needed permits. There were 200 or so participants (entry was only $20 to pay for the shirt and the 312 beer after at the party at FIZZ-Bar and Grill- which came in a snazzy 2010 Chicago Marathon glass). So it wasn't an official race, but people were encouraged to do their own route and meet up later. I stuck to the route that was already designed to keep it more "official".
The path was pretty gross at some points and we ended up doing street running along that street right by the path- Cannon?

Post race, went to the bar, drank my 312, ate my Turkey Burger and went off to VQ for my 90 min bike class- good thing I saw Jeff at FIZZ also- he's in my class, ran the race, and was off to cycling class. Not sure how great of a performance I put out for the class, but still a solid day of workouts.
Monday, January 10, 2011
A moment of reflection
I'm surrounded by people and by a cause that keeps me accountable. I have good friends doing this with me, reminding me that I need to wake my ass up at 4:45am to get in the water to practice, to be better. I know I won't do Ironman year after year, but I'm confident that I'll stay involved. It's always, "so what are you signed up for?" If not participating in races, then I'm volunteering and cheering/encouraging on others. I am grateful that I am healthy and able. When I have days where I feel like hiding in my bed all day, or I really don't feel anything at all, I know that a good workout will pick me up. One of the reasons I had written down "winter sucks, I don't want to repeat winter 2009" basically not the happiest, still working on that but trying to stick to the goals I set.
I also realized that I need to surround myself with people who have passion and interests in things. I don't care what it is, but be interested. Be awesome at your job, your relationships, whatever it is you're trying to work on, but work at it. I'm trying not to be so hard on myself, but I try to continuous learn and grow, it's a balance.
I'm grateful to work with a group of people who push me to be healthy, physically and emotionally. I have people in my life to keep me in check when I am all over the place, and I'm thankful.
Also, healthy mindsets are what I'm working on too, learning to let go when things don't work out, or changing the plan if I need to. I joke about goals with my friends, but I really am a goal setter :)- it's the teacher in me. Here is a little piece from Amy's most recent team notes this week- Maybe I'll look back at this at one point during the summer when I'm tired and tell me self to "get it together" as I sometimes need to remind myself to do....
"Goals give us direction. They put a powerful force into play on a universal, conscious,
and subconscious level.
Goals give our life direction.
What would you like to have happen in your life this year? What would you like to do, to
accomplish? What good would you like to attract into your life? What particular areas of
growth would you like to have happen to you? What blocks or character defects, would
you like to be removed?
What would you like to attain – little things and big things? Where would you like to go?
What would you like to have happen in friendship and love? What would like to have
happen in your family life?
Remember, we aren’t controlling others with our goals – we are trying to give direction
to our life.
What problems would you like to see solved? What decisions would you like to make?
What would you like to happen in your career?
What would you like to see happen inside and around you?
Write it down. Take of piece of paper, a few hours of your time, and write it all down – as
an affirmation of you, your life, and your ability to choose. Then let it go.
Certainly, things happen that are out of our control. Sometimes, these events are
pleasant surprises; sometimes, they are of another nature. But they are all part of the
chapter that will be this year in our life and will lead us forward in the story."
Chicago Tri Club / Vision Quest Coaching

Through this- Daryl introduced me to Vision Quest Coaching. I had my first Taste of VQ class - this last Sat morning- it's a 10 week course. It kicked my ass and it was great. I will most likely sign up to be a member in Feb/March to take advantage of their classes.... by this time I'll have a new bike..... now needs to be a whole other post as well.... details on new bike to come (after it's purchased)
Max Multisport Coaching
So the thing that would keep me from the finish line would be being able to swim the 2.4 in under 2 hours and 20 minutes. I know I'd be able to swim the distance, because there's no way in hell you're gonna drag me out of that water, it's being able to do it in the 2 hours and 20 minutes that worries me.
Renee and Max Multisport was the group I found when I first decided that I wanted to do a triathlon. I had taken a few classes in my early 20s, but it was more like "so this is how you float and put your head in the water- don't get me wrong, all important stuff) But when I decided I wanted to do a sprint triathlon, I knew that I needed help. I was terrified of the water. When I started, the first day of group swim, I couldn't swim the length of the pool. I blamed it on my googles. Now I can swim in the lake without having a panic attack (Racine was my first time being able to finish a race without hanging on to the ropes) They were helpful from the start so I went back to them again for more help. It's that cut off time that.......So I signed up for private swim lessons. So far I've only had one with swim instructor Nick, but it was good. I'll be posting as I learn more. He's already been helpful. I know a lot of it is going to be taking what he teaches me and practicing on my own.
So this is going to be one component in addition to training (not part of the training- kind of the additional to help training go better)
One of my blog options is going to be the cost of everything.... every race, to every training group, to new shoes and bikes..... you all will think I'm crazy, but I do this from keeping me going crazy!
Turkey Trot
November 25, 2010
The only thing that I liked about this race was running it with Swanny. This was a 8K event- and yes, we were hungover, again, yup, pretty sure Jenn puked. I'm starting to see a bad pattern here and glad that I'm blogging now. As I write about this - 3 months later, this is the day before my official training begins, and I've made the decision to not get hammered till after the Ironman. Once I make decisions, I get stubborn and it's hard for me to break them. So basically it's really time to settle down with the partying.
Back to this race-it was so crowded at points were you had to walk. It was NOT one to be taken seriously, even if you wanted to get a good run in, this would not have been the race. Points were so narrow on the path, you had nowhere to go. Swanny and I were doing quite a lot of grass running.
It was fun running into Matt Witt- we had made a bet the night before that he wouldn't show up. There he was full on showing off the singlet- I owe him a bloody mary :) Andrea also had bragging rights that day. I was awful about taking pictures, and only took one:

Rails to Trails - November 7, 2010
Jenn did not have the best Chicago Marathon experience so she wanted to give it another shot in Norwalk, WI. Neil and I went with her, but we raced the 1/2 marathon option. It was very pretty, but very small. The pasta dinner / packet pick-up, the night before was in a school gym, with a poster drawn with crayola markers of the course and elevation change. The local volunteers brought in delicious homemade goods, and there was enough parmesean cheese in a can to go around. I did not have a registration, I signed up last minute, as I tend to do (trying to break this habit) and got a same day registration. (They mailed me my shirt and my medal later on in the mail.)
There are not too many options for lodging in Norwalk so we stayed at a lovely hotel in Tomah, WI- the nearest larger city. If you are from Madison, there is also the race day pick up if you are just coming up for the day. Norwalk, is about 1.5 hours or so from Madison, (about 5 hours from Chicago) so not terribly far, but not super close either.
In the morning, what to wear was the biggest anxiety. Jenn must have gone back and forth a billion times, but it was decided, layers were best. It ended up being a bit warm for several parts parts of the morning, with the sun coming out, but pretty cold in that Wisconsin shade. The race was on the trail the entire time, which became a little difficult to run on, impact wise, you could really feel it in your legs. There is a part of the race where 3/4 of a mile, you actually run through an old railroad tunnel. Volunteers stand there passing out flashlights before you enter the tunnel and collect them at the end of the tunnel. We wore glow sticks on our shoes :) The tunnel was lined with lanters, but you had to slow down significantly to watch your footing. The first time you go through, you think "That was awesome" the second time... not so much. A bit cold, drippy and it does slow you down when you just want to finish the second time you go back through the tunnel.
It really is a pretty, peaceful course, but not a loop, just a back and forth. I also found that the majority of the participants were pretty fun spirited (as most Wisconsin folk are :) ) If you are competitive, you could place fairly well in this race.
We finished up the day, waiting for Jenn and cheering her on. She didn't get a PR, but still said she enjoyed herself.
After the race, the chicken dinner was again, very much like a Wisconisn backyard party :)
Monster Dash
What better way to cure a hangover from Halloween then to wake up and run a 5K? Maybe we were still a little drunk, we for sure got to the start line a little late. Hey- I figured, it's not full on Ironman training season yet, right?
This race gives you the option of running it as 1/2 marathon. Good job Swanny! I did not do the 1/2 Marathon. This was just for fun :)
And oh yes, people wore full costumes. It was cold but sunny :)
The medals were pretty sweet too. (1/2 marathoners got a belt buckle!)
Chicago Marathon 10-10-10
This was written on 10-10-10 at 11:07pm- Just took me a while to post!
Marathon #5. NOT a PR- and that's OK. After a certain point I actually turned off my watch. A little while ago, I forget the context of the conversation, but Jayson was joking with me and making fun of me that I'm too hard on myself with my races. He's right. Jenn has told me the same thing in the past.
I was starting off well, on my way to beating my goal, but I soon realized that today was not going to be my race and it wasn't going to happen. I gave in, not gave up, but gave in to trying to enjoy it. Which is hard when you don't feel great and you're not very comfortable. I remember a point where I saw Andy and we both agreed that we weren't having fun anymore. Maybe mile 17 after a long stretch of no shade? Don't know the exact point, but made the decision to enjoy it. And enjoy it I did. And what a relief! It was a like a blanket of negativity has been lifted off me and I was able to relax and have fun. I don't think I have ever been in such a good mood for a race before, and it truly just took making that choice. I was thankful that I was able to do so, and emotional because of how happy and thankful I felt for all of the wonderful things in my life. (Also lots of time to think when you're a slower runner..and being out there can have odd emotional effects on people:) )
For slower runners like myself, the longer you're out there, the hotter it gets, the more painful it gets. I decided I was going to enjoy the day and the experience.
And what a great day it was. I got to enjoy my family along the course, hugging them and running with Tio Elvis. I saw other ACS runners out there, including Jimmy, and got a big bear hug from him. I actually got to see my KIPP Team and Familia this time which was super fun :) Thanks for being out there!
Once I decided around 21 that I need to walk to regulate my heart rate and my breath, I decided to strike up conversation with other walking runners. It was great, we shared pieces of our lives and motivated each other to run and walk. There was one point where I was trotting along, and Steve saw me, ran up to me, and gave me an encouraging pat on the back. A little while later, I was jogging along and I see him walking, red in the face and still moving along. I stop to walk with him and he grabs my hand just like he would his own daughter, and we chatted for a little bit, and picked up another walking charity runner... this is now one of my favorite race memories.
Throughout the race, I kept my people in my hearts and thoughts, especially Ms. Captain Badass- this race I dedicated to you! But others as well like Dad, Tia Silvia, Cote, Tio Adolfo, Tia Maria, Brian's Mom... unfortunately the list can go on...
Also, THANK YOU to all who came out to cheer, it was great seeing you out there, and dancing and cheering with me :)
Congrats to all finishers, whatever your goal was for the day! Especially to Jenn for staying strong after getting sick, and Kate for finishing her first!
A great day followed by time with family, and a few different parties with friends, wow I'm blessed!
While this was NOT the best race for a PR, like Sherry said, I can look at it like a long training run getting ready for the Ironman :)
9/11/2011- Training starts... now! (Or maybe Wednesday :) - a few days to rest is always smart :)
Apple Cider Century
It's 1/10/2011 and I'm trying to go back and post all of the races or events that I've participated in from volunteering at the Ironman 2010 to lining up at the start line.
Again the purpose is more of a journal/log to see if something goes wrong, how I can improve, and if others want feedback, they can read about different events.
So Daryl texts me that he was going to drive to Michigan for the Apple Cider Century 100 mile bike ride.
It was Sunday, September 26, 2010 in Three Oaks, Michigan. I went to bed thinking about how fun that would be, but too bad, they didn't have bibs. I woke up around 6am, wide awake, bored and with nothing planned that day, so threw my bike in the car, and drove 1.5 hours to Three Oaks in hoping that I could find a bib.

I get there, and luckily there were several for sale. Normal registration was $35, but I think I paid $40.
You basically have the choice of 15, 25, 37, 50, 62, 75, and the full 100 miles. By the time I got up there, Daryl had already been riding a few hours (he was doing the full 100) I decided that I was going to do 50. Start times were still open- I think if you were planning to do the century- you had to get started by a certain time.

It is a recreational, social bicycle tour of the orchards, forests, and wine country in and around Three Oaks, Michigan.VERY pretty- and I was pretty leisurely about it. Also a fairly flat course. All in all, a very fun ride. They even had apple cider at the rest stops :)

Met up with Daryl at the finish and hit up some local orchards before going back to they city.