I'm a DetermiNation athlete enjoying the process of improvement and learning. I participate as a member of "Team Familia". This blog has bits and pieces and I update as best I can. I use it as a tool for reflection and as a way to share experiences. Thanks for reading!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Chicago Marathon 10-10-10

(By the way- the Chicago Marathon for 2011 opens February 1!!!!)
This was written on 10-10-10 at 11:07pm- Just took me a while to post!

Marathon #5. NOT a PR- and that's OK. After a certain point I actually turned off my watch. A little while ago, I forget the context of the conversation, but Jayson was joking with me and making fun of me that I'm too hard on myself with my races. He's right. Jenn has told me the same thing in the past.

I was starting off well, on my way to beating my goal, but I soon realized that today was not going to be my race and it wasn't going to happen. I gave in, not gave up, but gave in to trying to enjoy it. Which is hard when you don't feel great and you're not very comfortable. I remember a point where I saw Andy and we both agreed that we weren't having fun anymore. Maybe mile 17 after a long stretch of no shade? Don't know the exact point, but made the decision to enjoy it. And enjoy it I did. And what a relief! It was a like a blanket of negativity has been lifted off me and I was able to relax and have fun. I don't think I have ever been in such a good mood for a race before, and it truly just took making that choice. I was thankful that I was able to do so, and emotional because of how happy and thankful I felt for all of the wonderful things in my life. (Also lots of time to think when you're a slower runner..and being out there can have odd emotional effects on people:) )

For slower runners like myself, the longer you're out there, the hotter it gets, the more painful it gets. I decided I was going to enjoy the day and the experience.

And what a great day it was. I got to enjoy my family along the course, hugging them and running with Tio Elvis. I saw other ACS runners out there, including Jimmy, and got a big bear hug from him. I actually got to see my KIPP Team and Familia this time which was super fun :) Thanks for being out there!

Once I decided around 21 that I need to walk to regulate my heart rate and my breath, I decided to strike up conversation with other walking runners. It was great, we shared pieces of our lives and motivated each other to run and walk. There was one point where I was trotting along, and Steve saw me, ran up to me, and gave me an encouraging pat on the back. A little while later, I was jogging along and I see him walking, red in the face and still moving along. I stop to walk with him and he grabs my hand just like he would his own daughter, and we chatted for a little bit, and picked up another walking charity runner... this is now one of my favorite race memories.

Throughout the race, I kept my people in my hearts and thoughts, especially Ms. Captain Badass- this race I dedicated to you! But others as well like Dad, Tia Silvia, Cote, Tio Adolfo, Tia Maria, Brian's Mom... unfortunately the list can go on...

Also, THANK YOU to all who came out to cheer, it was great seeing you out there, and dancing and cheering with me :)

Congrats to all finishers, whatever your goal was for the day! Especially to Jenn for staying strong after getting sick, and Kate for finishing her first!

A great day followed by time with family, and a few different parties with friends, wow I'm blessed!

While this was NOT the best race for a PR, like Sherry said, I can look at it like a long training run getting ready for the Ironman :)

9/11/2011- Training starts... now! (Or maybe Wednesday :) - a few days to rest is always smart :)

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