I'm a DetermiNation athlete enjoying the process of improvement and learning. I participate as a member of "Team Familia". This blog has bits and pieces and I update as best I can. I use it as a tool for reflection and as a way to share experiences. Thanks for reading!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Madison Open Water Swim August 20, 2011

Well "total bust" is all that comes to mind. It was supposed to start at 8:30 am but because of rain delay, got pushed back an hour. I think it was the stress of the week or the cheeseburger on the way up, for lack of preparing a better meal because I was in a rush, but total upset stomach the morning of. I historically get upset stomachs when stressed or nervous, and foolishly forgot any pepto. Bad sign one. In an attempt to stay calm and steady in the water, I really was going way to slow. By the second lap when people were finishing and I was just starting my second, I knew I was in trouble. I kept going, but kept going in not straight lines. I tried to sight every six strokes, but when I tried to pick up pace I would loose form. A kayak came by me to help me stay on course- would stay to my right so that I wouldn't pull off. At one point I got a nasty cramp in my right leg, swam it out, but took a sec to hang on to the boat to stretch it out fast and keep going- I took a chance to glance at my watch and new it was going to be tough to make the cut off- I thought I would keep going as fast as I could to see how far I could go- then got a cramp in my left leg from my hip down my calf to my foot- I swam that one out and kept going. Before I knew it a boat came along to tell me that I needed to get out of the water- that the 2:20 cut off time was up. I told him that I would keep going and finish up and he said I couldn't. The problem was I probably still had 600 meters to go. I really am not sure what went so terribly wrong- I was significantly slower than Racine. I think I took "slow and steady" to the extreme.
On the boat I went to pick up the other swimmer still in the water. She was equally as mad as I was to get pulled. She even mentioned that she's not even going to bother with Ironman anymore. I'm still lining up at the start line and will be trying again, but with a clear reality how unlikely it is that I'll be able to finish.
After talking to Kris about it, felt much better. I was approaching it at a recovery pace, when I really needed to feel like I was working harder.
After I got out of the water, bad mood was an understatement. I got to my bike thinking why the hell even bother? It's a nice day I could just go do something else. Took in some calories and headed out with my heart in my stomach. This continued for about till about the first loop then I got it in my head for some reason that this would be my last chance to ride the course this season because I wasn't going to on race day- so knowing that it was getting late, still decided to continue on with the ride. After a bit, my mood improved as I tried to enjoy the ride. Getting rained on turned into a nice rainbow after the sun came back out. As the sun was starting to set, I was nearing the stick, and thought I would be able to make way back. I was wrong, it was way too dark to see and I really didn't have the course that well memorized. I had to pull over and call Daryl to pick me up. Defeat #2. All around, the day sucked major donkey balls, but Kris and Lynn were both super helpful. I also learned that Emily, Captain Badass herself and a true inspiration was registered to swim that day but couldn't because of complications from her leg. Cancer is a bitch and messed with her body (especially one of her legs)  a few years ago, leaving complications and she has been having trouble bending it so she couldn't swim. I need to remember to be grateful to be able to line up at the start. Re-take coming up in a few weeks.

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