I'm a DetermiNation athlete enjoying the process of improvement and learning. I participate as a member of "Team Familia". This blog has bits and pieces and I update as best I can. I use it as a tool for reflection and as a way to share experiences. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

American Triple T May 20-22, 2011

Shawnee State Park Portsmouth, Ohio

Ok, I was holding off on writing about this one for a little while. But want to get a blog in while it's still fresh. Overall an amazing weekend and SO glad I did it (even though Robbie Ventura himself didn't recommend I do it) I ended up getting my first ever DNF- yucky feeling. Still upset about it.
I'll re-cap the weekend bit by bit.

Weekend started on Thursday afternoon, a bit disorganized with Daryl being super patient as I struggled to leave work smoothly- a few trips for a forgotten wallet- but we got on the road and made it fairly quickly- no glitches thankfully- time went by fast with the iphone as entertainment. Super 8 would be our little home for the weekend and worked out pretty well. We got our heels in and took a look around, getting settled.

Friday we gave ourselves a good amount of time, met up with other VQers- they had a nice set up of an RV and some had a tent set up to hang during down time.
Friday PM Race #1- Super Sprint- 250meter swim, 5mile bike up a long climb, they weren't joking about the hills!! and a 1 mile run to the start of the trail run where we would be all weekend.
Woke up Friday I little congested due to allergies? Sickness? I dunno.
Some did the swim without a wetsuit. Absolutely not- the water was 55 degrees. Brrrr. I took the time and put it on- I was last one out of the water, but not the last one on the course :) Slow start of the weekend. Off to bed! Sat would be long :)

Saturday morning and the "camp" feel was setting in. Race #2 AM Olympic, down time, Race #3 PM Olympic. (this was a bit different because it was a bike start, then a swim, the a run) The biking overall was gorgeous but hilly, with one climb at 22% - the time in between races was spent stretching, icing, eating and not doing anything really- pretty great.

Sunday- Race #4 1/2 Ironman woke up feeling spent. Still sick, and tired (as one would expect) starting the race already hungry- not good. Did the swim- felt ok, water started to warm up- better swim time then my last 1/2 Ironman swim, even with day before and not feeling well. Got on the bike, and bonked. Did a loop- got pretty hot, no wind in my lungs, no energy. Missed the bike cut off of the first loop by 5 min. Ugh. They took my chip and said I could still run if I wanted. I said "no thanks" and cheered my friends on.

Overall, great experience, mentally more than anything. Would for sure do it again.

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