I'm a DetermiNation athlete enjoying the process of improvement and learning. I participate as a member of "Team Familia". This blog has bits and pieces and I update as best I can. I use it as a tool for reflection and as a way to share experiences. Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Swim Video with Marcia- Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
For this swim test / video- I decided to go see Marcia Cleveland through Vision Quest-

She also did underwater taping. She was great! Here are the links to the videos and the suggestions. I'm rocking those tan lines :)

I have a narrow catch - I need to widen it to shoulder distance and keep my elbows up (not letting them drop)
Drills: Surfboard (Hawaii 5-0)
I over-rotate my head when I breathe. One goggle out only.
My opposite hand/side sinks when I breathe to the other side.
Drills: Switch Kick - Feel the power of the pull
Increase my hand speed - the rate my hands move thru the water.

Will do this again probably second week of August....

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