Daryl got me to sign up for the $50 Chicago Tri Club membership- thanks DA (I may have to write a blog entry on how great of a friend you've been DA)

Being a member allows you to be part of a network of sharing of information. So far I've only been a member a little while, I still need to pick up my card and my shirt (pumped about this, I'm a big nerd as most of us tri geeks are) but I've found it helpful already!
Through this- Daryl introduced me to Vision Quest Coaching. I had my first Taste of VQ class - this last Sat morning- it's a 10 week course. It kicked my ass and it was great. I will most likely sign up to be a member in Feb/March to take advantage of their classes.... by this time I'll have a new bike..... now needs to be a whole other post as well.... details on new bike to come (after it's purchased)
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