I'm a DetermiNation athlete enjoying the process of improvement and learning. I participate as a member of "Team Familia". This blog has bits and pieces and I update as best I can. I use it as a tool for reflection and as a way to share experiences. Thanks for reading!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Udder Century June 5, 2011

First Century! BAM!
Last minute decision to register day of. Stayed at Steve and Jenny's and was debating riding two loops in Madison or doing this. Ended up choosing udder and ended up being a fun ride. The day started disorganized with a flat, probably the heat in the car, before starting and loosing my drivers license while paying for registration (I had good faith it would be found and returned so actually didn't stress about it- and it was : ) The ride started pretty well, overcast, but then It got hot, and the sun started to beat down towards the afternoon. SUPER flat course- I think about 6hr 30 min or so of pedaling time. Kris suggested salt stick for my next ride to avoid nausea feeling-felt sick around mile 70/80 -definitely didn't take in enough water or electrolytes I don't think. The ride ended up being a kind of false confidence because it was so flat- but got in my first 100 miles :)
Saw Chris and Tara from ACS and some VQ members out there and ate with Lynn, Anne and Caroline. All in all pretty fun. Drove back to Chicago, showered and joined Ana at Maifest in Lincoln Square, decided a beer and a brat was ok (trying not to drink) only had one, good day :)

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