I'm a DetermiNation athlete enjoying the process of improvement and learning. I participate as a member of "Team Familia". This blog has bits and pieces and I update as best I can. I use it as a tool for reflection and as a way to share experiences. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Race Candy!

Race candy is the name Alan gave it. He was talking about our Triple T photos and said, "Yeah great pics, I love the one with all of Daryl's race candy laid out on the table". I guess that's what it is. I read the book, Metabolic Efficiency Training" by Bob Seebohar  http://www.fuel4mance.com/
He talks about that if an athlete is well nourished and has taken the proper steps to appropriately fuel the body with nutritional needs, there will be less calories needed on race day, and less need for sports calories through gels, blocks, etc.
He even encourages athletes to not use these products at all or as little as possible.
I still use them. It took some experimenting, but I have a history of GI distress during races. I realized I'm not a big fan of gatorade, but there have been a few races where I did not have enough electrolytes. Thank you salt stick! I now take one an hour and don't feel the effects of the heat as bad.
I like the Hammer Sustain for calories on the bike- I measure according to my weight and how long I'll be on the bike for levels of concentration. I do admit it does slow me down to have to reach to a water bottle or my pocket for nutrition every 15min or so- but it only takes a few seconds, and if I don't take in nutrition I'll bonk for sure.
I also like the shot blocks- I'm pretty sick of the margarita flavor- but good for cramping- the berry flavors with caffeine are pretty good. The only gel I really actually like are the Cliff Vanilla- the others I'll tolerate, but yechk .I don't like chocolate, so that also limits flavors for the gels.
For recovery if I don't have a yogurt, I also like shakes- I'll do another blog on shakes- but I do use soy protein powder to make sure I'm getting some protein in there.

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