I'm a DetermiNation athlete enjoying the process of improvement and learning. I participate as a member of "Team Familia". This blog has bits and pieces and I update as best I can. I use it as a tool for reflection and as a way to share experiences. Thanks for reading!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Racine 70.3 July 17, 2011

My coach asked me to send her my "wins and lessons learned" (as well as my race info- pace, HR etc.) so thought I would use it as a post. I sent her the info from the Garmin (which was pretty spot on with the race results) but here are a few wins, lesson learned and things to remember.

- I remembered that while I am not as fast as I would like to be, I really do like participating in endurance events
- I remind myself that there is no point in comparing myself to anybody else because I don't know that person's story- and it's my race, I race it to try to accomplish my goals.
- I remember how nerdy triathletes are and how much I love that.
- My new Garmin Forerunner 310XT is way fun- the multisport with transitions worked and was pretty accurate. Here is a helpful review if you're interested
- Win- I PRed by 1 hour and 26 minutes and 10 seconds-
swim by 7minutes and 91 seconds ( even though I really thought I did much better- felt ok, thought I was pulling strong, didn't stop to tread water or stop on a buoy for a break. I did pause a few times to get my bearings and get myself back on- I zig zag at times and that looses time, adds distance)
TI by 91 sec
T2 by 13 sec
-Bike by 34 min and 25 sec
-Run by 42 and 6 sec- LOTS of walking last year
-I remind myself that improvement is a process. I did not meet the goals that I wanted to today, and clearly improved (I really bonked last year- really felt more prepared this year). I need to be patient with improvement- and improvement can be defined in many many ways. My goal for this IM Wisconsin is to finish
- I have been realizing that I'll be really pushing it to make those cutoffs for IM-WI this year. No matter how IMWisconsin this goes this year, I'm going to celebrate with my friends a great year (I'll have a pity party for myself on Monday and back to training on Tuesday)
- I really tried to focus on the task at hand for this race. Focusing on the my stokes, form and breathing in the water, cadence on the bike, nutrition overall, pace on the run.
I learned how to take in nutrition more properly-
By the time I was on the run, even though I didn't want any GUs, blocks, etc, got grossed out when I took it in, I was hungry by mile 10 on the run (something to tweak....)
- I remember to chunk / segment parts of the race and the different legs makes it mentally easier, more fun. - "make it to the next aid station then you can slow down for a bit"
The last hour of the bike I decided to do 15min intervals followed by 1min easier- and was surprised that I still could - I was passing way more people the last 10 miles as they were tuckered out while I got passed the first 46.
- I remember proper pacing is difficult to get a hang off, but super important
- I remember smiling makes you feel better
- I remember that even when it's hot and I'm not feeling as great as I'd like, I can keep going.
- I learned that even if I think I have enough sunblock, I can use more- shoulders felt ok, started to peel from a previous burn but the back of my neck was hurting.
- I learned that having a mini cooler in the transition area with ice and ice packs was a great idea- sucked down some ice water before the run and stuck an ice pack in my bra that I just threw away when it got warm.
- I learned that black electrical tape is way better in the water then the "waterproof" tape from Walgreens (for broken finger)
- I remember that strangers / spectators are fantastic. I had a nice older man, very much a dad type help with my wetsuit- he did not mind tugging at my legs to help me get it on-Also Daryl helped with the wedgie lift and Deanna with the arms- I learned how to put my wetsuit on so that it feels most comfortable (THANKS NICK!)
- I remember- as DP mentioned several times, that volunteers are amazing
- I remember that having somebody cheering you on is a fantastic feeling.
- I remember that cheering somebody else on can be just as fun
- I remember that I am thankful and continue to be inspired by my friends
WIN- tons of familiar faces out there cheering and racing
WIN- The vision quest coaching group
- I remember that I like to chat it up with fellow athletes when I'm feeling icky and frustrated that I'm moving so slow. If I'm running at a slow jogging pace, might as well strike up conversation-
- I remember that I am thankful that I have the opportunity to be able to show up to race- a FB post from a fellow volunteer for the DetermiNation committee- Kristin McQueen- who has completed several IM distance races while telling cancer to "suck it" "pretty bummed that my body hasn't cooperated after surgery and I can't do my 1/2 Ironman tomorrow. Pity party ends in an hour and then I will focus on dishing out a cancer ass whooping at Ironman next month"
- Lining up at that start line is a task in itself- I'll be thankful if I can be in that water as the gun goes off of IM Wisconsin happy, healthy, and excited
- I remember that a post race beer isn't going to throw off my entire training season- the occasional spotted cow is delicious :) (I've seriously cut back on the booze so I question every drink I have- It's ok to lighten up a bit)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fundraising Page

Let's not forget how I got started in endurance racing. I always liked racing and participating in events- I did 10Ks and even my first 1/2 marathon with a co-worker in 2005. But it was the Jenn and the ACS committee that got us to step over the line into marathons- which then led to triathlons and here I am. 


I first started with my first sprint triathlon in 2008 and I rented wetsuts through the fleet feet store on North Avenue. http://www.fleetfeetsports.com/locations/chicago-piper-s-alley
They have a program where you can rent a suit for $50 I believe ( I think they still do this, I did this a few years ago) and you get it for a week. You can then use it as credit to buy a new suit with the the store. I think they also have nights (Tue nights?)  where you can rent one for $5 for the hour... . not sure if they still do that.
I bought a long sleeved Blue Seventy suit. http://blueseventy.com/
Sam wearing my Blue Seventy
When I first started I was convinced that it was the wetsuit constricting my movements and breathing (not my swimming or the cold water)- so I sold that one to a friend.

I then bought a sleeveless XTerra through their promotions- they also have sales. That was good to me for a few years. http://www.xterraplanet.com/

Coming out of the water Racine 70.3 in 2010- sleeveless suit

This year for Triple T I had heard horror stories of how cold the water was going to be so last minute decided I needed a long sleeved one again (and it was cold, first day 55degree water, it was only a 250m swim and some went without wetsuits- I did not- I went for my new long sleeved). I went with the Orca 3.8 I decided based on what was on clearance on TriSports http://www.trisports.com/ and basically what was available in my size (ok fine, I also love whales, so the name Orca kinda convinced me a bit too) The size seems to be right, but really really tough to put on. Super tight around the legs, and hard to yank up all the way in the crotch area. It really turns into a tug of war (I ripped it once already- but repaired it with suit repair). Not to mention the battle with a broken finger to put the damn thing on. The buoyancy is nice, and I don't feel super constricted and can move my arms pretty well through the water. Hopefully it was worth the purchase! http://www.orca.com/category/3-8/
Coming out of the water Day #1 of American Triple T- yeah, pretty sure I was the last one out of the water (but not the last one on the course!)

Race Candy!

Race candy is the name Alan gave it. He was talking about our Triple T photos and said, "Yeah great pics, I love the one with all of Daryl's race candy laid out on the table". I guess that's what it is. I read the book, Metabolic Efficiency Training" by Bob Seebohar  http://www.fuel4mance.com/
He talks about that if an athlete is well nourished and has taken the proper steps to appropriately fuel the body with nutritional needs, there will be less calories needed on race day, and less need for sports calories through gels, blocks, etc.
He even encourages athletes to not use these products at all or as little as possible.
I still use them. It took some experimenting, but I have a history of GI distress during races. I realized I'm not a big fan of gatorade, but there have been a few races where I did not have enough electrolytes. Thank you salt stick! I now take one an hour and don't feel the effects of the heat as bad.
I like the Hammer Sustain for calories on the bike- I measure according to my weight and how long I'll be on the bike for levels of concentration. I do admit it does slow me down to have to reach to a water bottle or my pocket for nutrition every 15min or so- but it only takes a few seconds, and if I don't take in nutrition I'll bonk for sure.
I also like the shot blocks- I'm pretty sick of the margarita flavor- but good for cramping- the berry flavors with caffeine are pretty good. The only gel I really actually like are the Cliff Vanilla- the others I'll tolerate, but yechk .I don't like chocolate, so that also limits flavors for the gels.
For recovery if I don't have a yogurt, I also like shakes- I'll do another blog on shakes- but I do use soy protein powder to make sure I'm getting some protein in there.

Greek Yogurt!

My new favorite breakfast has been greek yogurt, with fresh fruit, and granola. Yes I know, it's more expensive than standard yogurt, but it has more protein- 14g in one cup :) Usually the kind with added fruit have more added sugar- (but are tastier)- but the plain fat free vanilla is also good. I sometimes add just natural honey also.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Mom's Summer Pasta Salad

I'm not an excellent chef, and not good with writing out recipes / measurements- so will basically post about meals that I really like. I love food so figured I should have a few posts about some meals I make. (If I steal a recipe I'll make sure to give credit to where it belongs)

Mom's Summer Pasta Salad
-spaghetti (I never like to cut spaghetti noodles, so careful not to break them) about a small fist full- not going whole grain on this one either- I know I'm supposed to be careful with amount of white pastas and rice, but this one is a good go to and tastes better with plain old white spaghetti
- 1lb diced chicken breast
-1 large tomato
-2 hard boiled eggs (chopped)
-about a can of black olives (chopped)
-red, green, yellow peppers

-olive oil
-lemon juice (one whole lemon)

Yup that's it. Basically mix it all together :)

Swim Video with Marcia- Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
For this swim test / video- I decided to go see Marcia Cleveland through Vision Quest-

She also did underwater taping. She was great! Here are the links to the videos and the suggestions. I'm rocking those tan lines :)

I have a narrow catch - I need to widen it to shoulder distance and keep my elbows up (not letting them drop)
Drills: Surfboard (Hawaii 5-0)
I over-rotate my head when I breathe. One goggle out only.
My opposite hand/side sinks when I breathe to the other side.
Drills: Switch Kick - Feel the power of the pull
Increase my hand speed - the rate my hands move thru the water.

Will do this again probably second week of August....