I'm a DetermiNation athlete enjoying the process of improvement and learning. I participate as a member of "Team Familia". This blog has bits and pieces and I update as best I can. I use it as a tool for reflection and as a way to share experiences. Thanks for reading!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Rock and Roll 1/2 New Orleans February 13, 2011

This was my first destination race with ACS and it couldn't have come at a better time. Overall feeling stale- at work, with friends, training, etc. It was great to get out of town and visit a city like New Orleans. Going with the ACS DetermiNation crew was even better. It reminded me how much fun I have participating in events. The expo was great, we for sure took our time looking around. Everybody had a very friendly, fun vibe to them. I honestly didn't really train for this run- I've just been following the Ironman schedule with a few added longer runs on the weekend and I ended up PRing at 2:05- I'll take it. The course was flat and race day conditions were perfect- cold am with sun and cool by the time you got moving. ... and best of all sun shining and 60 to enjoy the beer on the grass at the after party.
Thank you ACS DetermiNation for reminding me why I love to participate in these events :) I needed the weekend to step back to remember to laugh and smile :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

2nd Annual F*$#Ing Freezing Frozen Lake Half Marathon

January 29, 2011

For those who know me well, they know I hate the cold. It makes me angry and depressed and I much prefer the warmth of my glorious bed heated by my hair dryer. Back in November-ish, I was looking for a race to sign up for to motivate me to run outside. This would be the first winter where I actually run outside at least a few times a week. Chuck convinced me to sign up for the second annual F%$#ing Freezing Frozen Lake Half Marathon. He said it is a grass roots race with fun people and a mini party at the end. Perfect. I bought fancy tights and had all the gear and thought this would be a good way to keep me going to run outside.

It's already February 10, 2011, post Blizzard 2011!- and I have to admit, it hasn't been awful. I'm not Daryl, running at 4:00am to catch an early bike class, and lately have only been out about once a week. When I catch a gust of cold wind, I remember how sick running in the extreme heat makes me feel. With proper gear it really isn't terrible.

A few weeks before race day- we come to find that the grass roots race (bring your own bib and your own medal- they'll provide the aid stations and free beer after) was no longer an official race because of the needed permits. There were 200 or so participants (entry was only $20 to pay for the shirt and the 312 beer after at the party at FIZZ-Bar and Grill- which came in a snazzy 2010 Chicago Marathon glass). So it wasn't an official race, but people were encouraged to do their own route and meet up later. I stuck to the route that was already designed to keep it more "official".
The path was pretty gross at some points and we ended up doing street running along that street right by the path- Cannon?
Swanny ended up jumping in last minute, which offered good entertainment for the run. We saw several groups out, both for this race and for the CARA groups. A really fun way to spend a Saturday morning saying hi to fellow running community members. We also did a mini detour through an ice sculpture display going on at Navy Pier! Super cool!

Post race, went to the bar, drank my 312, ate my Turkey Burger and went off to VQ for my 90 min bike class- good thing I saw Jeff at FIZZ also- he's in my class, ran the race, and was off to cycling class. Not sure how great of a performance I put out for the class, but still a solid day of workouts.