I'm a DetermiNation athlete enjoying the process of improvement and learning. I participate as a member of "Team Familia". This blog has bits and pieces and I update as best I can. I use it as a tool for reflection and as a way to share experiences. Thanks for reading!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Not so Ready to Run

This week started off promising with securing a registration spot Monday morning :) I got all of my weekday runs in, and I was feeling tired but in great spirits. I was feeling a bit under the weather this week but thought it was because of lack of sleep and long work hours. Didn't really think much of it and even got up early Friday morning to swim one mile before work. Had a great time at the DMB concert that night, but still low energy... tried to go cheer on the Badgers at Will's for Musky fest when it all really "blew up" from there. Had to leave Will's to head over to Jenn's down the block where my stomach just gave up and threw up everything it's been holding. I made it home, but didn't really stop puking to early the next morning- thanks Mallory and Mario for the ginger ale drop off!
The bummer was that Sunday was my annual Ready to Run. I love this run. Besides the free pickles and beer at the end, it's a chance to mentally really feel "ready". I had done a 20 on my own a few weeks before, but this was a well supported training run with aid stops along the way and a fun post race party. Jenn and I always have fun at this, and she called me to tell me "it's not the same without you" after she finished :(. I slept most of the day, still couldn't really eat but attempted to go out anyways. Didn't make it far before deciding this wasn't happening this weekend. Not a good end to marathon training / start to Ironman training. :(. I've already come to the realization that this marathon is going to be on the slower side for me, but I've been really hoping to pick up training, really building a base this winter. Going to have to listen to my body and respect when it's demanding I sleep. This is a new week, and tomorrow I get to start over. I'm looking forward to 10-10-10 - human spirit on parade! Then in the water I go!!! Focus this fall and winter is to swim swim swim. The race is over if I can't get out of the water in 2 hours and 20min.

Volunteer Ironman September 12, 2010

Run Aid Station #4- Mardi Gras themed. This ended up being a fantastic spot. This area of campus has a special place in my heart, being a lakeshore girl :) I started with set-up, but with plenty of volunteers we were finished fairly early, spending a good hour or so sitting in the sun exchanging stories. I met a nice girl who had done IM twice, and she was hoping to secure a spot for next year. She suggested I try ensure for long rides and runs! I'll try that for the next long run. DA joined for second shift. I hit up state street with Ali as we cheered on runners along the way. I made my way back to the station where I got to see both Heath and Kristin a few times. I jumped in for a bit with Kristin, which I know is kinda a no no, but it was for only half a mile if that. She seemed strong and as always in great spirit. Made my way over to chat with Mike Norman, Mr. CES for a bit, and then helped finish off the shift. Inspirational stuff! Helped a girl as she sat for a bit and barfed for 20 min only to get up and keep going :) We made our way to state street and I was able to see Kristin finish.
Off to bed for an early 4:00 am rise the next day. We got there at 4:30am, and were third in line. Thankfully it was a beautiful night to sleep outside. They opened the doors at 8am, which was nice because I had to race back down to work. $575 later I had a spot secured! WOOT WOOT! Here we go.....