This was the inaugural year that Ironman decided to discontinue St. George as a full Ironman and make it into a 70.3. As a full Ironman it was an early season race, the most difficult course on the circuit, didn't sell out, and had the highest rate for DNFs. As a 70.3 it sold out quickly. I'm glad that as soon as it was announced as a half, I immediately spoke to Tim about the race (he raced the full) and decided to sign up. While I never did the full, I can't really compare, but this 70.3 course kicked major awesome ass.
We lucked out with the weather, an absolute perfect day (while it did get super hot on the run- it could have been WAY worse) so my opinion of the race might have been different. But this was the perfect first and last triathlon of my season.
I signed up because it looked awesome and I wanted a challenge. Challenge and Awesome I got.
Post Ironman Wisconsin I said I was taking a break from full Ironmans and just wanted a destination half. Thanks to Jim Bruskewitz from Hammer Nutrition for writing plans to get me to and through the start line happy and healthy.
Overall the race was a PR from Wildflower 2012 (the only race that I can slightly compare this to)
While I am a "back of the pack-er" I really was trying to go for faster for this race- didn't quite get it, but it was an incredible day.The breakdown:
Swim- 1:02:40
8 minutes slower than Wildflower. Temperatures were right around 60degrees- Cold, but manageable. I also lost about 3minutes from wrestling with my damn wetsuit- had peelers help me but should have just gone through the mats first and then gotten help.
For the swim, I really got what I put in. I had training days where I would sit in the parking lot of XSport, trying to make myself go inside to do my swim workout, only to turn around and go home. Or even make it all the way into the pool, only to say, "yeah, no". I can't expect a much faster swim time if I'm not going to give it 100% of my effort.
This was one of the more physical open water swims that I've experienced. When waves would catch up to me, I would get kicked, slapped, and even pushed. I tried to keep up with my stroke and stay as straight as possible. I kept Marcia in my head trying to keep a "beat" so as not to slow down too much but trying to stretch out as much as possible too.
Songs that popped up where everything from my ABCs to Godsmack's "I'm doing the best I ever did" to try to stay focused on my stroke and going buoy for buoy. Getting out of the water took a minute to get my head together. I later heard stories of other swimmers who were forced into medical tents due to hypothermia. An hour is a long time for anybody to be in the cold water, but the neoprene cap and ear plugs helped.
Bike- 3:39:40

Overall, great bike course.
Run: 2:32:09
Most disappointed with my performance on the run. I had been putting the time and effort in and was hoping to be much stronger. The heat got to me and I didn't walk, but my slow shuffle might as well have been at a walking pace. This run truly kicked ass. The views were spectacular, reminding me of the scene in Forrest Gump were he tells Jenny, "It was so beautiful, I couldn't tell where heaven stopped and the earth began". But holy hard. The climbs were tough and despite my hill running this winter, I wasn't strong enough. I know the heat gets to me and slows me down. I tried to manage my nutrition on the bike so that I was getting enough but not too much. By the time I got to this run I was going aid station for aid station again. Pouring ice wherever I could to keep me cool and managing my electrolyte intake. Quite a few times the ideas of barfing or passing out seemed likely. The tough climbs and fast downhills had us earning each step to the finish.
-Winter training mentally was tough. I had been on and off sick for 2 months and motivation was low. I'm glad I had this to look forward to- great decision to sign up for this race.
-Fantastic weather- could have been WAY worse- WIN
-I'm not going to get faster in the water if I don't work on it (duh)- Lesson Reinforced.
PR for me, Sub 5 hours for Tim, 3rd in age group for DA. Good race for Danny too (not pictured) |
-Saturday races are a fantastic idea.
-Destination races rock.
-Racing with friends makes it all the more fun.
-I continue to feel blessed and grateful that I'm healthy and able to continue to participate in these events.
-I love endurance events
Top of Angel's Landing, Zion National Park |
Post hike at the bottom of canyon in Zion National Park |